Newton Beach Park
Newton Beach Park, Gulfside & mid-island, is located at 4650 Estero Boulevard. It is the site of the former 1953 Seven Seas Cottage of Jim and Ellie Newton. Jim (1905-1999) gained notoriety through his book, “Uncommon Friends”. It details his personal relationships with key 20th Century figures such as Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Charles Lindbergh, and Dr. Alexis Carrel. Due to its significant history, Fort Myers Beach secured the property in 2003.

Seven Seas Cottage and Beautiful Beach Frontage
It became the first Town owned public park in 2010. In addition to the Seven Seas Cottage and beach frontage ideal for sun bathing, it has 2 tiki huts, nature and educational programs, recreational opportunities, and historic and environmental signage, among other amenities.Free Outdoor Nature Programs
At Newton Beach Park, the Town of Fort Myers Beach offers a free outdoor nature program twice-weekly. It’s different every single time! Every Tuesday and Thursday morning all year long, discover the natural side of Fort Myers Beach with the “Guided Beach Walks,” weather permitting, at 9 a.m. “Guided Beach Walks” have a simple premise – the groups walk roughly a half-mile down the beach and back, discussing whatever you find that particular morning, so no two are ever the same, with the wind and waves dictating what comes up each day. Meet at the thatched hut closest to the beach and face masks are MANDATORY. In addition to your face mask, bring sunscreen, shoes to get wet, sunglasses, and hat if necessary.