Want to park on Fort Myers Beach?
Here is the information you need to know.
Parking spaces are monitored seven days a week including all holidays.
Beach and Street Enforcement monitors for expired time limits, overtime parking, and parking violations.
Short Term Parking
Short term time restricted parking is on Old San Carlos Blvd. Estero Blvd., Center St. and Fifth St. These spaces have a two hour time limit and the cost is $5 per hour.
Long Term Parking
Long Term parking is available on all beach access streets and in the parking lot under the Matanzas Pass Bridge. The cost is $5 per hour, and there is no time limit, but there is no overnight parking.
Pay by Phone App
The PassPort Parking app is available for parking where designated on Fort Myers Beach. It’s an easier way for drivers to pay for their parking.
–Pay for parking
-Monitor parking sessions
-Extend time remotely (except where there are time limits)
-View payment history
-Receive email receipts
The Passport Parking app can be used to pay for parking on the go without having to dig for coins or bills in over 380 parking spaces across Fort Myers Beach. Passport Parking is free to download through the App Store or Google Play. Users can also manage parking at https://ppprk.com/park/.
Town parking zones are: 2390, 2391 and 2392. Please select zone and space number accordingly. Please note: Lynn Hall Memorial Park near Fort Myers Beach Pier is owned and maintained by Lee County and payment at this pay station will not constitute payment for a Town of Fort Myers Beach parking space.
Prohibited Parking
- On the sidewalk
- In the wrong direction (against the flow of traffic)
- In a handicapped space without a valid permit
- In a fire lane
- In areas officially marked as prohibited
- In any space not designated as a parking space
- On any street or road not designated as a parking space
You are responsible for parking legally on Fort Myers Beach.
Handicap Parking
If you possess a valid handicapped parking placard or license, you may park at any Town-owned metered space as long as a handicapped space is unavailable to you. Parking in these instances is free, but a time limit of four hours is enforced.
Parking Permits
Parking permits are available for residents and business owners of Estero Island. Mooring Field parking permits are also available for six months.
Apply for Residential Parking Permit
Apply for Business Owner Parking Permit
Apply for Mooring Field Parking Permit
NOTE: Newton Park, Old San Carlos Blvd., Center St., Fifth St., Estero Blvd. and Lee County properties (Lynn Hall Park, Crescent Beach Family Park and Bowditch Park) are excluded. The residential permit does not allow you to park in these areas.
Parking Violations
To pay parking violations online click HERE.
NOTE: There is a non-refundable transaction fee of $3.95 when you pay parking citations online. This fee is charged by the financial service provider. The description on your credit card billing statement will be “remit-online.” To avoid the convenience fee, you may call (239) 463-5888 to pay over the phone or by mail.
If you wish to contest a violation, you must do so within 10 business days of receiving the citation. If you fail to pay the fine in the allotted time or fail to appear to contest the violation, the right to contest the violation will be waived, and the Town will have the right to an order up to the maximum civil penalty.
Registration Holds
The Town implements registration holds on anyone with three outstanding parking violations or one outstanding handicap violation. The process for recipients of a parking ticket is:
-A parking violation is issued and must be paid within 3 business days; if not paid in 4-10 business, the fine increases. After 10 business days of non-payment a final increase will be assessed.
-After one month of being delinquent, a courtesy letter will be sent to the registered vehicle owner.
-After the second month of delinquency, a second courtesy letter will be sent to the registered vehicle owner.
-Pursuant to Section 316.1967 (payment of parking violations) the Town implements the Florida State Dept. of Motor Vehicles registration “hold” process, which places a hold on vehicle registrations for three outstanding parking violations or one outstanding handicap violation. The hold will remain in place until the fine is paid in full (at Town Hall) and proof is given so the hold can be removed. No additional fee is assessed by the Dept. of Motor Vehicles to clear a vehicle registration hold.
Be aware of where you park, and read the instructions on the parking signs. Should you have any questions or problems, contact Beach and Street Enforcement at (239) 463-5888 during business, 9am to 9pm, seven days a week. This number is also on each pay station and parking meter.
LeeTran will reintroduce its fixed-route bus services on Sunday, November 13, 2022. Here’s what Beach residents can expect for bus service:
LeeTran will run a variation of its route 410/490 schedules to and from Fort Myers Beach. This modified route will run from the Beach Park and Ride to Bowditch and will travel to the Southernmost point on Estero Blvd to Bay Beach Lane. Due to some damage at the Park and Ride station, buses may not be picking up/dropping off at their normal locations.
LeeTran has been operating a modified service since Hurricane Ian made landfall on September 28th, allowing LeeTran vehicles to be used for emergency transportation on barrier islands and service to emergency shelters, Disaster Recovery Centers and field hospitals. LeeTran temporarily halted bus fare collection prior to Hurricane Ian, but fare collection also will resume Sunday, November 13, 2022.